Monday, October 10, 2011

The different interviews

The first interview was a little difficult to follow.  There were no questions; it was more of a simple dialogue centered around military and technology.

The second interview is structured more like an interview.  Thought provoking questions about Ritzer's views on the "McDonalised society" were asked.  These questions were obviously prepared in advance, and it's possible Ritzer's responses were as well.  This is a more structured interview than the first was.

It appears that the New York Voices interviews would follow a middle ground between the first 2 interviews:  a sort of  directed dialogue.  This allows those being interviewed to truly put their personal touch on the interview.  The goal would be to make an impact on the person watching the interview.  My computer refuses to let me watch these interviews.  It's telling me a plug in is missing but won't tell me which one.

When I interview someone in person, I generally prefer to just allow that person to talk about their area of expertise.  I ask some questions to guide them onto the topics I need more information about. If something they say sparks a question, I ask it.  I also like being able to go back and listen to the interview and have a follow up in the instance listening to the original sparks questions.  When I conduct interviews via email, I create specific questions because emails aren't very conducive for rambling thoughts.
I use interviews as quick ways to gain lots of information from an expert.

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